Monday, December 14, 2015


Hiking date: all the time
Location: Yucaipa  CA
Rate: easy

This is one of those hikes that we can do anytime. But today I am going to tell you about the time that we have done this trail recently. You start at the parking lot, and go down to some benches. Keep going and the trail splits into two parts. Turn right and go up the path. Make a right (just so you know, this part may be steep for some people) and go out into the sunlight. Keep going and run into another junction. You can either go through a shortcut, or you can continue. Keep going until you reach a picnic table. Turn left and run into a house. Then keep going and turn left into some brush. Go out into a field. Then make a bend, go down, and see a dirt road that will lead you to your car. There are so many trails but it is fun.

On the way down:

The bench:

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