Sunday, November 29, 2015

Massacre trail

Hiking date: November 28 2015
Location: Near San Jacinto CA
Rate: Hard-Very hard (I guessed)  

The Massacre trail is a trail that leads through the Badlands. It is not a safe hike due to narrow paths and loose gravel. You start a little ways off the 79. Head north and you will see a bunch of vandalism and a few pumpkins which have been shot. Next, go past a vandalized rock building and then a another trail goes the opposite direction. You can keep going on the path or go up the other path, which is the risky way. Head up the risky path and you will see some tall grass. You can head south and go back to where you started, or you can go north and go on. For the first part, the trail is nice and wide, but as you keep going, the trail gets really narrow. So one side is a tall slope and the other leads down to the canyon where the other trail is. It is actually good training for the trail Devils Backbone. We stopped and turned around and did the trail, "Diamond Valley" instead.

The parking lot:

One of the steep slopes:

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